Thursday, December 24, 2009

Make Christmas Morning Breakfast In a SLOW COOKER!

Slow Cooker Christmas Morning Breakfast!

- 1 24 oz. bag of shredded hash browns

- 1 tablespoon finely chopped onions

- 2 cups diced ham

- 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

- 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

- 12 eggs

- 1 cup evaporated milk

- 1 teaspoon salt

- 1 teaspoon pepper

- 1 pound bacon, fried until crisp


Grease the crock from a 6 quart slow cooker or spray with cooking spray.
In a medium size bowl, mix the frozen hash browns and the chopped onion.
Spread 1/2 half of the hash browns on the bottom of the grease crock.
Add 1 cup of ham on top of the hash browns and distribute evenly.
Combine both cheeses with the parsley and stir to mix evenly. Sprinkle 1/2 of this mixture over the ham.
Layer the remaining hash browns, ham and cheese in the same order, patting each layer down as it is added.

After finishing all the layers, combine the eggs, evaporated milk, salt, and pepper. Whisk until smooth. Carefully pour the egg mixture over the hash brown, ham and cheese layers.

Place the cover on the slow cooker and turn it on low. Cook for 4 to 5 hours. If you are not ready to start the cooking process, the prepared dish can be covered and placed in the refrigerator until the appropriate time.

Fry the bacon until crispy and then break it into large pieces. Have the bacon prepared before the breakfast bake is finished cooking.

Approximately 15 minutes before serving, remove the cover and distribute the bacon pieces evenly on top of the breakfast bake. Place the cover back on and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. When the bacon is warm, it is ready to serve.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's a Potatoe Secret!

There is a secret to making the BEST potatoes! My years in College helped me get to know the POTATOE really well!  It was my basic food staple, I had it almost every night!  Too bad I thought I knew how to cook potatoes, when I really didn't!
For years I would wrap up those little spuds and throw them into the oven to cook.  Not realizing that I was steaming the yuck into them! 
What is the best way to cook a yummy, restaurant quality baked potatoe?

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Wash and pat dry the potatoes.
Puncture holes all over.
Rub oil over the skins. 
Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.

Put them on a baking sheet, and bake in the oven for one hour.
I like to turn them over about the 1/2 hour mark.(if I remember)

The potatoes come out yummy and soft on the inside, and crispy on the outside.
Now you can wrap them in tinfoil to keep them warm.

(Wraping them in tinfoil STEAMS the potatoe, which makes a crumbly, icky consistancy.)

Twice Baked Potatoes
Cook the potatoes like above.

Remove from oven after an hour, let cool slighly.   Cut open lengthwise and scoop out insides.
Put insides in a bowl and mix with milk(or Soy Milk), butter, sour cream, salt and pepper until creamy consistency. Scoop back into potato hulls, top with shredded cheddar cheese and chopped bacon bits(not the one in the container) and bake until cheese melts.  Remove from oven add sour cream, and chopped scallions on top!
(my favorite fat free Sour Cream is called "Naturally Yours Fat Free Sour Cream."  The container looks like a black and white spotted cow, so you can't miss it!  It is the BEST fat free sour cream, the others are just yucky! 

If you have left over baked potatoes, they are baked up the next day as "Fried Potatoes."  My dad used to fry up these potatoes almost weekly.   I actually cook up extra baked potatoes so I can fry them up or use them as hashbrowns in the mornings.

 Put a thin layer of oil in a pan, and put it on medium heat.   Take the potatoes and thinly slice them up diagnoally, then place them into the pan.  Let them fry up until golden brown. 

Other things to do with potatoes:
Baked Potatoe bar: Bacon, sour cream, scallions, cheese, chilli, brocclie, Chicken, or any other yummy things.

Hope you enjoy making some yummy potatoes!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Go Elf Yourself

Do you like watching your kids squeal and laugh uncontrollably?
Then go to JibJab and Elf Yourself!

Our family example:


My friend Jackie sent me their JibJab family of elves and we giggled and laughed at them. When I finally got our photos uploaded, my kids were sitting in my lap ready and anxious to watch!

It is so much fun and easy to do!!!
You can add just one photo, or up to 5!
It is better to have photos of people that are taken face forward. Side shots don’t show up as well. It is really better to have the nose of the person pointing at you! Then when you fix the mouths, it is easier, and looks better!  Silly or crazy faces make it even funnier!  We actually took photos and quickly uploaded them.  It was easier than trying to look through our albums for a good shot!  Then you also get to make fun faces at the camera!!!  What is better than that!

One other tip, it should download quickly.  Two times the video wouldn't load, I sat for over 5 minutes.  If you find yourself sitting for more than a minute, you may need to check back or decrease the size of your photos.  
You can either email it to yourself, family and friends for free, or “Download” it for $4.99.
Your video will be kept until Jan 15, 2010.... then, sadly it will be gone... (thus the $4.99 down load;))

Either way it’s really cute and fun!


Friday, December 18, 2009


5 quarts popped popcorn, unsalted (I used 1/2 C unpopped popcorn, popped it.  Put that in the oven, then did a second batch.  It was the perfect amount.  I am suggesting using 3/4- 1 C unpopped kernels)
2 cups sugar

1 1/2 cups water

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1 teaspoon vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon almond extract

1 teaspoon cherry extract

1 cup dried cherries, cut in quarters

1 ½ cups toasted blanched whole almonds

1 cup roasted, salted peanuts

1. Keep popcorn warm in a 300-degree Fahrenheit oven.
2. In a heavy medium-sized saucepan, combine sugar, water, corn syrup, vinegar and salt. Bring to a boil; clip candy thermometer to pan. Cook syrup to 250 degrees (hard ball stage). (THIS Takes about 10 minutes!!! The water has to boil out, which raises the temp.  I had no idea until I tried this recipe!)

3. Stir in almond extract. Scatter cherries, almonds, and peanuts over the popcorn. Slowly pour syrup over all; toss lightly to coat evenly.
4. Spread popcorn on buttered cookie sheet. Cool. Separate into clusters with a fork.

5. Allow to cool. Serve and Enjoy!

This recipe is really GOOD!  Takes a little bit of time while the sugar mixture heats to 250, but really easy and yummy!  Ratings???  *******  (out of 10)
I like the fact that it is easy, and good.
I didn't like the mess, the extra extract I had to buy and may never use again.
The sugar mixture cools fast, so you will want to QUICKLY move all the yummy popcorn stuff into bags or other containers to cool OR it will STICK like cement to where ever it is!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Virtual Tour of Temple Square

Thanks to my friend Jamie!  She sent this to me. 
A tour of Temple Square lights.  They are so beautiful!

This year we haven't had the time, or health to take the trip...Yet.
At least this way I won't totally miss it if we don't get down there!


Virtual Schooling for Your Kids

There is a new way for your kids to learn.  VIRTUALLY!  
Games and fun on the internet for your kids!  I have checked out a few sites, and am listing them here!

My kids are in the process of testing these web pages.  As they finish, and I evaluate how fun they are I will give them a rating!  One(*) to five(*****) stars!  If they like it, the more stars you will see!          **   Kids were not intrested.  Lots of parental supervision
Fun games
Kids fun and games
Go to for other links and adventures.
They have many differnt activities for kids that range from pre-K thru Middle School!
There is even online fieldtrips!                  *****  LOVED it.  Great graphics, very kid frendly.   Kids spent over an hour on The Electric Company BEAT BOX!!!
Kids games and activities
Online activities, games, and fun!
Fun math games, and educational material.
Click on Students for the kids area.
Free small segment and Free Language Music
Online kids banking and math skills
Explore, educate, visit!
Spelling word games
Teaching arts and crafts
Education and games on castles
Music Education
Art, art activities
Letters, reading, calanders
Space Education!!!
Educational Lessons, mostly for parents
Parents help teaching your kids about art!

I would love to know your oppinions on some of these sites!!! Just leave a comment or email me!

Winter FUN! Get out and do something!

Winter is LONG.....
Why not find something to do during the winter months that you enjoy outside. I love staying warm and cozy inside, don't get me wrong, but days and days of being indoors is JUST TOO MUCH!

The best, fastest and least work is to go for a winter walk.  It may be a walk around the block in 10 minutes, or a 2 hour hike up the canyons.  It is just nice to get out, and get some air!(even if it is smoggy!)  I PROMISE you will feel better if you do! Winter is too long to stay cooped up everyday! I challege you to try to do this ONCE a week. Who knows, it may become a fun habit. You might actually start to look forward to your quick walks around the block.

MIGRY Favorite Hiking Trails:
(These are all in Utah)
BELLS CANYON:Little Cottonwood Canyon. *********
Trail Head- On the Left Side of the road ¼ mile from Wasatch Blvd. and the 9800 South Intersection.

The trail starts with mellow switch backs, and then a nice incline. My two kids 4 and 7 make it most of the way. Sometimes they are carried up the steepest areas, but we try to encourage them to hike on their own. Once you reach the top of the steep area, the trail levels out for a little while. Then another less extreme incline. While hiking, don't forget to check out the beautiful view of the valley. The view once you reach the lake it amazing! Enjoy it! You can either return, OR if you want more adventure keep hiking up the trail to the LEFT! There is a steep incline, then levels off. Two ways from the top where the river is(and small water "House") To your RIGHT is a trail that will take you back to the lake, staying RIGHT on all trail intersections. (Turning left will take you up the mountain, Right down towards the lake. On the trail Lower take the RIGHT again, and it will take you over a bridge, and back to the start of the trail.) SECOND: If you want my SECRET TRAIL.... at the River "House" there is a Secret trail that is slightly hidden, just LEFT of the river about 20 paces. This is an amazing trail, it is my favorite place to go!!! The trail winds through a grouping of trees, to a slick rock that my kids love to play on. By that slick rock, there is a seat that I can sit and eat my goodies I have brought along. Further on the trail is a meadow that has SECRET apple trees...YUM! This trail connects to another trail that leads up to the river, or back to the start.
Distance to Upper Bells Reservoir- 3 ¾ miles

Doughnut Falls Trail: Big Cottonwood. ********
Located 9 miles up Big Cottonwood. You will know you are there because it opens up into a nice valley in the mountains. Many people like to sled and snowboard down the hills to the south. In the summer you can drive up a small road and park at the Doughnut falls trail head. In the winter Parking is just on the south side of the road. We like to hike up the road about an hour and a half, then sled or snowboard down the road. It is about a 15 minute sledding ride. Very fun!

In November Millcreek Closes off the road 1/2 way up the canyon. The road becomes snowpacked and SO MUCH FUN! We actually take our mountain bikes and bike up the frozen road. The ride down in unforgetable, sliding and skidding. It is honestly just like riding on muddy dirt, not too extreme. You could take up sleds, insead of bikes!(I haven't done that yet!) Or just hike it!

Temple Quarry Trail(or pipeline): Little Cottonwood. ****
Close to the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon, it is a very easy trail, that most of the time is in the sun. Easy for little kids, as well as first time hikers. It is a trail that can be chilly when the river has water, but most of the winter it is dry. This trail used to be in good condition, but because of flooding in spring 2009, it isn't as fun as it used to be.

CITYCREEK ROAD: Citycreek Canyon ***
This trail is great in the winter or summer. Paved all the way to the top of the canyon. This trail has a slight incline all the way up the canyon, some inclines greater than others. I have not hiked this trail in the snow, but I love this trail in the summer! That is why I only give it a 3 star, I am not sure of the conditions during the winter.

If you are going for a hike in the mountains, dress in layers. Layers can be removed as you get warm. You do not want to get sweaty and wet.

First always have gloves, and a hat for any winter weather day.
On warm days I like to wear a short sleeve shirt, a long sleeve shirt, then a jacket. Then if I get too hot, I just take the jacket off, then the long sleeve shirt.
On cold days I wear a long sleve shirt, a sweatshirt or sweater OR TWO, and then a jacket.
