Sunday, March 28, 2010

Creative Easter Fun!

At our house the Easter Bunny delivers lots and lots of eggs. Those eggs sometimes appear before Easter morning. They decorate cute areas all over our house.
There has got to be something fun you can do with ALL those Easter eggs???
With the help of my cute boys, we came up with a few EGG-games you can do with your kids.

Egg Toss

Find a spot where you can toss a bunch of plastic eggs around, and not break or tip things over. A hallway is the perfect spot. That way the eggs are contained to a small spot and don’t go flying around the room. The narrow Hallways make it easier for the kids to throw the eggs back and forth and collection easy!
We marked the first line on one end of the hallway with blue painters tape. We then marked the other end line the same way. We measured to the middle of the two lines and placed an blue tape X to mark it.
The eggs were given out and a bucket was placed on the blue X. The kids started trying to toss the eggs into the bucket. If they missed it would roll to the other person. If they made it we would all clap and cheer!
When the bucket is full and all the eggs are gone, you all win!! You can dump it out and play again.

Long Distant Toss
The goal with this game is to increase the distance from the player to the bucket. The player starts off at one end of the room or hallway. That starting point could be marked with blue tape. The bucket is placed about a foot away from the player. Then after every egg is thrown, the bucket is moved another foot away. Move the bucket until you reach a wall.
Egg Hide and Go Seek
This is perfect for two players. Player one is given 4-8 eggs. They are asked to go and hide them around the house, or in a specific area. While player one is hiding, player two is hiding their eyes. When player one is done, player two goes and finds the eggs. When player two has found all the eggs, the game starts again. Player two hides eggs, while player one hides their eyes. It is so fun and the kids love hiding them in different spots, and fun places.

All the games were really fun, and we had a great time as a family. I really had to be active with the game, because my boys could get out of control. As long as I participated they did really good!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Favorite Things....

We ALL have our favorite things.  What is the best tasting, most flavorful, most useful! 
There are so many products out there, how can you ever tell what is the best?  I have started making my list of "Favorite Things" related to food.  
All of these products have been found through testing, and retesting.  It makes me cringe thinking of ALL the money I have wasted on stuff I didn't really like, but bought because it was cheep.  Not only did it not taste very good, we didn't eat it very fast.  Now with my list of "Favorites" The food storage turn over is better!  Nothing going to waste.  Also, I can keep an eye out on these products and buy them when they are on sale!
 Here is my list with a brief explanation.

Adams Peanut Butter-NO Partially Hydroginated Oils here....just peanuts and salt. If peanut butter can be healthy, then this is the closest thing.
Best Food Light Mayo- Best tasting LIGHT mayo on the super market shelves! I've tried them ALL!
Wish Bone Salad Dressing(Light)- "Light" ANYTHING can suck, but their dressing is quite yummy!
Cattlemens BBQ Sauce-This BBQ sauce ROCKS!  ALL of the flavors!
Eletes Baby Dill Pickles- These pickles get eaten fast! YUM!
Dan's Food Crab Salad- Seriously this is my down fall!  I LOVE it, and can't help eating tons of it with salty crackers. JUST HEAVEN! (For freshness, check the container at the store, if it is LARGE(over a foot in length), then it is fresh and could last a week.  If it is a small container at the store, it won't last as long in your fridge.)
Gulden's Mustard- like mustard, LOVE GULDENS!  If I am going to have mustard, it's gotta be Guldens!
Frenches Mustard- If I can't get Gulden's Then buy Frenches, the no name is just icky!
Boars Head Lunch Meats-These are more expensive, but you gotta figure you are not paying for the WATER added to the other cheeper lunch meats. Their Chicken is the least expensive, and still really good.
Miso Mayo-Yummy replacement to mayo. Fabolous on fish tacos.
Silk LIGHT Soy Milk- Much better flavor than the original.

These are just a few of my favorite food items.  I hope they give you some insite into what is good when you are shopping at the store.  Try them, you might like em!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crafty Easter Vase

Willams Sonoma has some of the finest and most beautiful decoration ideas.  The only thing I don't like is the extremly high price.  In the latest cataloge they have a great idea for Spring eggs.  They show a beautiful glass vase, with colorful eggs in it.  The vase itself is listed for $69.00, and it is very beautiful. If you want to add the monogram it increases to $79.00, not exactly in my price range.  The look is really nice, and it is the perfect look for my easter eggs.  Not being detered by price, I knew the perfect place to go to find something similar, Tai Pan Trading.  Tai Pan is one of my all time favorite stores.  It is good not only for decorating, but also to find amazing crative ideas.  At Tai Pan I found a similar vase for $7.00!!!  It is almost the exact design, for 90% off the cataloge price!  How cool is that!  The eggs in the vase are "Robin Eggs" from Whoppers candy.  I actually bought 3 bags thinking it would get filled up, I was wrong.  I really needed about 15 bags!  Especially with how quickly my kids eat the eggs!  Easter is on it's way!  This vase will add a nice touch to any spring decorations.   
 PS sign up for email from Tai Pan and recieve 25% off coupons!  That's Even Better!