Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stay Safe This Spring!

Spring is a wonderful month! Love all the spring flowers, and the warmer weather.  Just be aware that Spring is also the highest increase in sexual offences. You can NEVER be too careful with yourself or your children! Keep your self safe by educating yourself, and your family! This spring make an effort to teach, and educate yourself and your children. Teach your children what is appropriate and what is not. What can they do IF someone were to approach them and you are not around.  

Educate yourself on what you can do if you feel unsafe! If you know what to do and something were to happen, you will have an easier time dealing with it. You will be safer!!

In college I took a class called RAD, Rape Awareness and Defense. It was very enlightening, and educated me on what to do. It was a great class.  I have had a few strange experiences.  I was in the library a few years later and I had a young man (18 years) come stand by me. I didn't think much of it, BUT was still aware of him. He started doing inappropriate things, but when I would glace at him he would stop and smile acting like nothing had happened. When I moved away, he moved back right next to me.  Because of my class I knew to pay attention.  After I moved twice, I turned to him and confronted him asking "What are you doing!!!" He smiled and walked away, but I had caught him in the act.   I went right up to the front desk and told the library staff.  You just never know when it is going to happen. 

I have listed some sites you can look at and educate yourself.  These sites have photos of the offenders on them, you may want to take a glace at each of them.  You want to be familar of who the offenders are in your area. I was in Reams last year and a guy followed me around the store, I started getting worried. At first I thought I was just being silly, but when he found his way onto every isle I was on, I started to get worried.  I could tell he wasn't shopping for food!!!  Nothing ever happened and I had the manager walk me to my car.  After that happened I wish I had looked at the list of offenders, just so I was aware.  Not that all sex offenders register.

I tell you this because you can be anywhere, and it can be anyone! Don't be fooled! Just stay aware. I wish I could say the experience I gave was my first experiences of being stalked, but it isn't. No one is immune from having something happen to them!

There are several sites you can go to:

This site is one of my favorites! It shows the offender and a basic color code of their offence!

This site is the National Sex Offenders Redgistery:    A good site to know the photos and locations of offenders in your area.
Click on your state.  
Scroll down, on your left side is "Offender Search" click on it.
Look on the right under "Most Wanted" Click on "Sonar."
On the top left click on the "Search...for offenders in your area"

You will need to put in your address.
Please stay safe and keep yourself educated!  I am very passionate about staying safe, and sharing information that could save you from a bad experience!!!
I am willing to answer any questions or offer helpful advise.

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